Travel Day -> Massachusetts
Massachusetts, officially the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, is a state in the New England region of the Northeastern United States. It borders the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Maine to its east, Connecticut and Rhode Island to its south, New Hampshire and Vermont to its north, and New York to its west. Abbreviation: MA Capital: Boston Temperature: 49 degrees, rain showers Time: 2:00 (same time zone) Nickname: Bay State Massachusetts' nickname, the “Bay State,” refers to one of the state's most famous bays, Cape Cod, where the Pilgrims first settled. It also honors the royal charter that was given to the Massachusetts Bay Company in 1629 to promote and encourage settlement to the land. Population: 6.985 million (PA 12.8) Size: 10,565 sq mi (PA 46,000) Cost of living: $65,728 (PA $49,040) The cost of living in Massachusetts is incredibly high—and getting higher all the time, thanks to a competitive housing market. Massachusett...